Re-thinking Gratitude


A few months ago, I read something that has changed the way I think about gratitude and thanksgiving. Before it was rather passive, a nice thing to do from time to time – at least once a year while we eat a big meal. But even then my gratitude seems to focus on the intangible, or relationship but rarely “things”.

Brian McLaren in his book “Everything Must Change” says this on page 212 – “Catholic philosopher Josepf Pieper remarks that happiness is indeed to be had from things, but only things that are contemplated or appreciated. The pursuit of more things – to the point of “gaining the world” –  distracts one from contemplating or appreciating what one already has, and therefore guarantees that one lacks happiness. So in this regard, gratitude becomes an act of defiant contemplation, expressing rebellion against the thousands of advertisements a year that tell you to want what you don’t have, and not appreciate what you already have.

So in the next couple of weeks may I suggest that you take a few minutes to write down (or doodle pictures of) “things” that you have, and as you list them, contemplate them and appreciate them. Think to yours self as you use these “things” that 1. they’re good enough, 2. that you don’t need to replace it, 3. and that you’re glad you can ignore every commercial that encourages you to buy another one of these “things”.

with gratitude,


One Response to “Re-thinking Gratitude”

  1. albert Says:

    Thanks Dave…very timely…I’ll be preaching on Luke 17 Thanksgiving w/e in my old church in St. Albert.

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